O fator redutor da tarifa de distribuiÃÃo de energia elÃtrica: um enfoque utilizando a anÃlise por envoltÃria de dados - DEA




The tariffs that the Brazilian electric distribution companies charge are defined by ANEEL and are subjected to a price cap. Its tariffs revisions occur each 4 years and are allowed to rise in line with inflation. Simultaneously they are also required to decrease by a X Factor. This X factor reflects the level of economic inefficiency in each company. This form of tariff regulation is applied to a tariff basket to cover the efficient operating expenditure, shareholders rate of return, depreciations and taxes. The focus of tariff reduction factor (X Factor) is to improve efficiency and to repass its gains to consumers as a reduction in the final energy price. In Brazil, the regulator also stimulates serviceâs quality maintenance by using it as an evaluation factor. A comparative study has been carried out among Brazilians electric distribution companies to determine a way of converting efficiency measures (Factor X), gotten through benchmarking techniques, in productivity gain. In other words, it was verified if the distribution concessionaires relative efficiency value, gotten through techniques Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), could be converted, in a equivalent way, in its respective X Factor, that captures the productivity gain similar as established by ANEEL. The obtained results were statistically equivalent, indicating that it is possible to use DEA model to get X Factors, beside of this strategy is its ability to capture the asymmetry between information given by the distribution companies and ANEEL in the occasion of tariffs revision. Although, the X Factor obtained by the DEA method did not show a robust behavior due its sensitiveness to the informationâs quality


fator x tarifa setor de distribuiÃÃo de energia brasileiro brazilians electricity distribution tariff anÃlise da eficiÃncia incentive regulation efficiency analysis data envelopment analysisâdea regulaÃÃo por incentivo x factor economia anÃlise por envoltÃria de dadosâdea

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