O expressionismo na biblioteca de Mário da Andrade: da leitura à criação / The expressionism in the Mário de Andrade´s library: from reading to the creation




The objective of this thesis is to work on the traces of expressionism reading made by Mário de Andrade, connected with a dialogue which implies an apprehension, that is, the Brazilian modernist´s poetical and theoretical-esthetical creation, related to "Prefácio Interessantíssimo", the poems from Paulicéia desvairada, the poetry in Losango cáqui and Clã do jabuti, as well as the poetics developed in A escrava que não é Isaura. This research is articulated with the study of writer´s library and genetic criticism, focusing, therefore, on intertextual dialogue established by handwritten notes in the margin of books or even by readings without notes. The thesis is composed of two parts: the first, an essay, exploits the encounter and debt of Mário de Andrade`s creation with poets from the Menschheitsdämmerung antology and also with theoreticians from the movement (Worringer, Pinthus, Landsberger and Schreyer). The second part, an electronic edition (CD-ROM), presents in fac-simile, the total of readings and notes from the writer/reader, followed by diplomatic transcription of these notes and historical information on expressionist authors, books and magazines.


biblioteca de escritores brazilian modernism mário de andrade german expressionism writers s library mário de andrade modernismo brasileiro expressionismo alemão

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