O estágio supervisionado no curso de educação física da UEFS: realidade e possibilidades.




Our work deals with the training of teachers, especially for teachers of Physical Education in the State University of Feira de Santana / UEFS. With the objective was to contribute to the construction of theoretical references attuned to the training omnilateral for (re-) organization of Stage Supervised in the curriculum of training courses for teachers of Physical Education, seeking respond to the following problem: the process of reconfiguration of the discipline Supervised Stage, from the new legal order-curricular guidelines-for training teachers in the course of Physical Education in UEFS contributes, in essence, for a broad and solid training or it is changes phenomenon that holds the fragmentation and disqualification of future teachers? As theoretical and methodological foundation we approach the historical and dialectical materialism, highlighting the category reality / option; are employing a bibliographic research, subsidized by the analysis of documents, the instrument used for the analysis was the hermeneutics - dialectic, and as sources of analysis of documents general guidance for the training and documentation of the course of Physical Education / UEFS. The results highlight that the guidelines for Physical Education does not indicate the Stage Supervised as axis articulates the knowledge scientifically produced in the curriculum, there is inconsistency between the Guidelines for Physical Education and the Guidelines for National Curricular Training of Teachers of Basic Education / higher / graduation / full graduation. Moreover, the restructuring of the course of Physical Education / UEFS remains essentially its organization of work teaching in a fragmented and conservative-hence the discipline Stage Supervised-not helping to change the training of future teachers in view omnilateral.


organization of the pedagogical work organização do trabalho pedagógico educação física physical education teachers upbringing estágio supervisionado educacao supervised period of training formação de professores

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