O espaço da democracia no projeto político dos dirigentes do MST / The space of democracy in the political project of leaders of MST




In the present thesis it is treated the conception of democracy which has prevailed among national leaders of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST in Brazil), that is, the managers that integrate the National Coordination and National Direction of that Movement, the two instances of power in which are discussed and defined the organizational and political guidelines of that Movement. The aim here is to analyze the space occupied by democracy in the political project of those leaders, especially regarding the building process of socialist society. The theme has its relevance once the Movement provides intense and differentiated relations with the State institutions and with diverse civil society actors, in the struggle for settlement of landless workers camped, for agrarian reform and for establishment of socialism. The hypothesis is that the mentioned leaders don t conceive democracy as a fundamental principle of politics, having as reference to this theoretical and political posture the classical Marxism. Those leaders also have in the Liberation Theology another significant political-cultural basis to their political project. The present thesis is, therefore, that the mentioned project is constituted by the confluence of these two different cultural matrices, which results in an imprecise combination, in theorical and political terms, that reflects on the building of this project, whose conception is characterized, in large manner, by a partial, indefinite, and often contraditory nature. Besides that theorical basis and the raised hypothesis, a matter this study deals with is which is the nature of the links established by the MST, with the political institutions of Liberal State, and, on the other hand, with social and political left in the democratic field, considering that, although they have different views, the former and the latter assign to democracy a meaning that is different from that one given by the mentioned leaders. Another issue concerns the political strategy defended by them when it comes to building their society project. The adopted approach allows a reflection about the possibilities and sociopolitical boundaries faced by that Movement in the struggle for social equality. In methodological terms, in order to analyze the object of the present study, bibliographical research focusing the MST was developed, and also the analysis of vast empirical material produced by the leaders of that Movement; oral source, through interviews with leaders, was used as well


democracia estado cidadania cultura politica - brasil

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