O ensino médio no interior cearense sob os impactos da reforma: entre o discurso oficial do novo mundo do trabalho e as apropriações/resistências pela escola (1995-2005)




This work argues about the middle level education in the hinterland of Ceara, under the impacts of the Educative Reformation implanted by the Ministry of Education, from the early 90s, noticing how the set of the Reformation arrived at the schools, mainly, through the sources: resume, democratic management, expansion of vacancy and financing. The work is developed in three parts. The first one brings the legal bases and the official speech used by the Reformation to build its legitimacy (seen as the junction between what it determines the Law and the acceptance of it by the community). It also presents the trodden ways to build a consensus around the idea and the necessity of a New Middle Level Educationon. The second one is dedicated to argue the centrality of work and the job crisis, arguing, initially, the premises of the Reformation that the world changed e, therefore, the Middle Level Educationon needs to follow these changes. Based on the arguments about the changes in the world of work, which leads to the loss of the centrality of work category in the contemporary society, it was chosen the arguments that reaffirms, with Marx, the work centrality, showing that the job crisis through technological advances is something built throughout the history by the capitalist society, searching to keep the work exploration, making grow its profitability, and that it comes of hands given with the neoliberal reformations that aim at reducing the state role on the promotion of essential services to the population (such as education, health and social action), increasing, only, its power to social control so that the capitalism can keep on acumulating.The third part argues, mainly, based on interviews with the professors and directors of schools on the area, and some comments of the participant researcher, the ways and excuses of the Reformation on its main sources: resume, management, expansion and financing. The conclusion is that the Reformation, due to its partial implementation, precarious of financing and dislocated of the social and educational context of the hinterland of the state of Ceara, did not contribute to the improvement of the public school of middle level education on the area, having, also, increased its historical problems, as the discredit in the state interventions, the improvisation politics, the low quality in the learning and the depreciation of the professionals of magistrate.


ensino médio- reforma educativa educacao ensino médio-financiamento educação popular

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