O ensino de matemática na Academia Real Militar do Rio de Janeiro, de 1811 a 1874 / The teaching of mathematics at the Royal Military Academy of Rio de Janeiro, 1811-1874




In this work, the proposal is to analyze as the mathematical syllabus of the Royal Military Academy of Rio de Janeiro was conceived and his posterior adaptations, implemented between 1811, when the Academy was founded, and 1874, when the teaching of engineer become a responsibility of a civil ministry, and the Escola Central turned into Escola Politécnica. Presenting the main models which inspired the project, specially the College of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra, we discuss in detail the statutes of the Royal Military Academy, particularly its mathematical syllabus, in order to detect their new contributions and see how was acclimatised the its most important traditions: the "profissionalistas", for which the goal of the Academy should be strictly military, and the "culturalistas", which had defended a solid base of scientific knowledge


matemática - estudo e ensino academia real militar (brasil) mathematics

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