O ensino de história e os movimentos sociais: práticas de história local nos assentamentos do Conde




This study aims to realize practical teaching of local history in rural settlements in the municipality of Conde, in the state of Paraiba. To do so, the action contextualized, both the teaching of history, as the rural social movements in a period of increased repression in the history of Brazil: the military dictatorship of 1964. On the assumption of non-neutrality of historical knowledge and the use of this knowledge by the state as a means to handle the population, whether urban or rural, according to their needs. However, against attempts, there are social movements that are fighting to get out of this state of domination and to survive with dignity. This research uses the example of rural social movements during the military regime and in the first decade of the XXI century. To be able to understand the practices of teaching of local history in the settlements of the count, we characterize a local history of such settlements, linking this history to the history of the municipality, the state of the country and the world. It also analyzes the relationship between local history, memory and social identity, for, from then seize opportunities to practice teaching a liberating, where educators and students perceive themselves as builders of knowledge and history.


ensino de história identidade coletiva social movements movimentos sociais memória collective identity memory educacao teaching of history

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