O ensino de filosofia no ensino medio: que filosofia?




The Brazilian education reform in the 1990s, which had the State as protagonist, the group of ideas of the International Agencies as influence and, as background, the re-democratization of the country and the configuration of a new world order, modified the conception, purposes and organization of the national education, and determined the contents, methodologies and evaluation forms to be organized in such a way that at the end of High School the student would demonstrate [...] domain of the knowledge of Philosophy and Sociology necessary to the exercise of the citizenship (art. 36, 1, clause III - LDB/96). In that context, the researches reported here investigate which teaching of Philosophy is being proposed for High School: a) by the official documents, from the new curricular guidelines in the 1990s; b) by the current academic debate and c) by the teachers of the public school of the State of São Paulo. The research procedures included: a) questionnaires applied to Philosophy teachers of the public state high schools of the Teaching Board of Santos, in 2005-2006 (cities of Bertioga, Cubatão, Guarujá and Santos); b) analysis of documents (dissertations, thesis and articles on Philosophy teaching, its legislation and official subsidies produced for orientation of the schools and teachers, besides documents produced by the teachers: teaching plan, activities and exercises, depositions on the importance of the Philosophy teaching in high school). This research aims: a) to characterize the profile of the philosophy teachers formation from public state high schools; b) to identify and describe those Philosophy teachers teaching proposals; c) to propose a Philosophy teaching to the public high school, taking into consideration the "counter-hegemony" ideas (Antonio Gramsci) and the "teachers as transformative intellectuals" (Henry Giroux). Antonio Gramscis concepts about culture and ideological hegemony; Gimeno Sacristáns concepts about official curriculum, real curriculum, negotiated curriculum and shared projects; Pérez Gómezs concepts about relevant learning and educational teaching, also constitute the research theoretical supports.


educacao philosophy teaching, high school, teachers as transformative intellectuals ensino de filosofia relevant learning counter-hegemony contra-hegemonia aprendizagem relevante professores como intelectuais transformadores ensino médio

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