O Ensino da Odontogeriatria no Currículo do Curso de Graduação em Odontologia do Estado de São Paulo / The Teaching of Geriatric Dentistry in the curriculum for the study of graduation in dentistry in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Geriatric dentistry is considered a new speciality in dentistry, mainly in Brazil, recognized by the Federal Council of Dentistry in 2001. This study seeks to detect the existence of Geriatric dentistry in the curriculum for the study of graduation in dentistry in the State of Sao Paulo and examine how the teaching of that knowledge is carried out from the perpective of coordinators and teachers of the material. The study was undertaken with the use of a questionnaire using both open and closed questions. For analysis of the data the open questions were grouped into two categories, the quantitative analysis of the closed questions was focused on the frequency and percentage of responses. The data were analyzed using the following parameters: profiles of the college deans and the teachers, including information on age and academic training, institution ( public or private), length and nature of their experience, their perception regarding recognition of geriatric dentistry in the institution, description of the criteria they use the plan, prepare and develop the course content, demands of the course of study, number of teachers involved, and placement of the teachers and students before the study. Questionnaires were sent to 34 members of Dental Schools, of which 10 responded. 10 Colleges of Dentistry of Sao Paulo State participated in the study, of which 6 were public and 4 private. The data showed that 80% of universities have geriatric courses in the dentistry curriculum. None of the participating colleges present a specific discipline of geriatric dentistry. The analysis of data furnished by the teachers who participated indicated a lack of maturity of the students to work with the elderly patients, leaving a gap in the human side. This is characteristic of the technical nature of the profession. There is a need for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work and,consequently a change in the curriculum of the course of Dentistry. As a result of this study, we believe the teaching of geriatric dentistry is essential for the development of the dental surgeon of the future as the population is aging and the life expectancy is increasing.


ensino odontolgogia odontogeriatria currículo idoso ciencias da saude education, dentistry, geriatric dentistry, curriculum, old.

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