O ensino da história e cultura afro-brasileira e a educação física: um estudo sobre o currículo vivido em Santo André / The teaching of the Afro-Brazilian history and culture and the physical education: a study on the curriculum in Santo Andre


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This work aims to evaluate the implementation of Law 10.639/03 as guideline to the curriculum of Physical Education at Santo Andre. To achieve this goal, the methodology focused on a qualitative approach, represented by a careful study of literatures that discuss the consequences of racism in the educational system and support the curriculum guidelines to ethnic-racial relations in the Physical Education curriculum. Finally, interviews were conducted with Physical Education teachers of state schools in Santo Andre. These interviews were analyzed providing information about strengths, strategies and challenges faced by the teacher in this process. The results point to a poor approach to this subject by the Physical Education teachers, absence of appropriate teaching-learning materials, inadequate teacher training to understand the depth and importance of this kind of learning, and lack of strategies to organize the subject within the curriculum by pure resistance from certain sectors, whether in the school or in the government


curriculo currículo identidade positiva educação física lei n 10.639/03 curriculum positive identity physical education law 10.639/03

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