O enfermeiro e as famílias: necessidades de aperfeiçoamento do enfermeiro nas práticas com as famílias no programa saúde da família. / The nurse/male nurse and the families: the nurse/ malenurses need for improvement concerning their work with the families registered at the family health program.




This research had as study object the necessity of improvement the nurses/male nurses who work in the Family Health Program (FHP) had; and its focus was on the training these professionals received to work with the families registered at these units. Characterizing the nurses - socio-demographic profile at the Health Units where the Family Health Program had been implemented, at the Regional Health Management - DIR XXIV, Taubaté region - SP, and identifying as well as analyzing their need for improvement in attending these families were the objectives of this study. It is a descriptive study developed in Pindamonhangaba town - SP, which used a semi-structured instrument to collect the information that was, later, submitted to Bardin’s content analysis procedure. The analysis of the results points out two main categories: the knowing and the doing, and between the two of them, a complex net was observed, resulting from the work developed by these nurses. The considerations, at the end of the research, reveal an insufficiency in the nurse/male nurse’s academic studies in subsidizing their caring for families; and in many cases, the improvement courses attended by the nurses/male nurses don’t correspond to their praxis in dealing with families. The considerations acknowledge the importance of the nurses intervention as a social practice concerning health, and make the nurses need for improvement evident in order to attend to that practice.


family health program saúde da família capacitação/educação qualification/education enfermagem em saúde pública nursing in public health

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