The economic, social and cultural developments are contemporaneous features that natural people and legal entities try to cultivate on a permanent way, thus, creating a positive differential in the competitive capitalist economy worldwide. Controversial and responsible for many discussions, the subject is the source of permanent researches which do not point to a unique formula capable of adapting to all possible situations. Its only known that to achieve such a longing result it is necessary to know and to perfect the existing positive issues, making them, the generating source for the intending success. Recognizing the potentiality is a relevant factor on making decisions, creating thus, innovative thought capable of changing deficient realities into generating sources of progress. Creativity and entrepreneur spirit are, therefore, key words for any kind of innovative initiative capable of creating changes. TheMissioneiro regional development presents itself as a real example of this kind of challenge. Known worldwide, as Guaranítico legacy is part of the historical cradle of Rio Grande do Sul, and making use of this potentiality through the regional tourism exploration is not only a venture practice, but probably one of the most viable and cheapest solutions, using something which is culturally the best that the region has, to stop or at least decrease the living reality. That is, therefore, the research source that aims to demonstrate the existing cultural historic wealth, highlighting its importance and the latent capacity as a demarcated niche and that, over the advertisement and recognition, is able to be a potential propellant of the social economic self-supporting development.


empreendedorismo desenvolvimento regional engenharia de producao turismo administracao engenharia de producao

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