O educador e o forasteiro: depoimentos sobre encontros com pessoas significamente diferentes / The Educador and the stranger: testimonials about encounters with significantly different people




This matter concern a study in Social Psychology in which we used an oral history method to collect narratives of three pedagogues about their encounters with significantly different people. The deponents are commonly graduated in Pedagogy and a past experience and/or current in formal education of people with significant differences and the commitment with the Joint Education for All. As a complementary aspect to the study, we used also another source: registered testimonies found in autobiographical documents or in studies about educators lives history. To situate the fields research, first we discussed the use of expressions Significant differences and Joint Education for All, as well as the methodological options. Then the testimonies are presented from two points aside: the memory of the first meeting and Education defense. At last, stated on the Walter Benjamin e Donald Winnicotts contributions, we discussed the narrative process recuperation and the ethicalpolitical compromised with the Joint Education for All, as dimension of a project to the human sustentation. This project has clearly an oppositional side against objective forces that are propelling us to a quickly social evolution towards catastrophe.


social psychology psicologia social inclusive education oral history educação inclusiva história oral

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