O drama bufo-trágico do calavera: uma leitura de El Ideal de Un Calavera / The bufo-trafic drama of calavera: a reading of El Ideal de Un Calavera


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This investigation proposes to read Chilean writer Alberto Blest Ganas novel El ideal de un calavera (1863), trying to detect the narrative ambiguous constructions that point towards a tragic-comic perspective. Our point of departure is the romances explicit intertextuality with Letters from Abelard &Heloise. Abelardo Manríquez, Blest Ganas protagonist, is an obsessive reader of his famous homonymouss letters and aims to emulate the romantic story of the twelve centurys lovers throughout his own romantic search. However, this search carries in its center complications that surpass de mere amorous idealization: instead of love, we find a fixed idea that will lead him to death. Denying social conventions, the young calavera goes on trough the opposite side of nineteen century Chilean Societys path. His peculiar way reminds Cervantess hero, idealizing a dream in complete anachronism with his historical time and with the narrative style, as well. Within the Chilean context represented in the novel, the young protagonists feelings are satirized by the narrator for its unsuitable habits and ways. The protagonists desires disturb the conventional social order and because of this incompatibility, he will be condemned from the beginning of the book. In fact, the composition of his personality comes out of an intricate game that implies an ironic sense emerging from a romantic theme towards a narrative that pretends to be realistic. Along this path, it becomes possible to follow certain contradictions and incoherencies of Chilean Society from the first half of nineteenths century, presented in a problematic way, through the form of Manríquez young anti-heros bufo-tragic drama.


alberto blest gana alberto blest gana chilean literature intertextualidade intertextuality literatura chilena

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