O divisor de águas da política imperial: D. Pedro II, a conciliação e o Marquês de Paraná (1853-1856) / The watershed of the imperial policy: D. Pedro II, the reconciliation and Marquis of Paraná (1853-1856)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The Reconciliation policy was an issue very altercado in mid-nineteenth century in the Second Empire of Brazil. This debate was closely fought between the imperial main parties, Liberal and Conservative, who alternated in power for almost fifty years of the emperor s command D. Pedro II. About their government, considered by Joaquim Nabuco as the Great Brazilian Period, is that this author has bequeathed to history after his magnum opus: A Statesman of the Empire. Our investigation starts from the following premise: D. Pedro II in the desire to rule, govern and administer, above party, has launched its Augustus Thought, that is, the Conciliation Committee. The Liberals accused the Conciliation emptied their proposals to be implemented by the Conservatives. Those who were in power since 1848, led by saquaremas, completely rejected this idea because they understood that this policy sponsored by the Crown could weaken his party. The fear became reality through some of the measures taken by the Cabinet, because for such a venture, to compose a ministry with political liberals and conservatives, the Crown had Honorio Hermeto Carneiro Leão, Marquis of Paraná, to head the first cabinet of the history of conciliatory Second Empire facing multiple resistance, especially among those saquaremas. The success of office credited to the strength, tact and prudence of the Marquis, and especially the thought of the Emperor. From there the political history of the Second Empire took new features.


marquês de paraná d. pedro ii conciliação historiografia joaquim nabuco segundo reinado política historia second empire politics joaquim nabuco historiography reconciliation d. pedro ii marquis of paraná

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