O discurso gay na televisão: uma análise das representações gays nas novelas


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The aim of this thesis is to investigate the gay discourse in the soup operas produced by Globo Televison. Firstly, I made a micro analysis, linguistic analysis, using the Functional Grammar proposed by Halliday as basis. I focused on the notion of Ideacional, Interperpessonal and Textual metafunctions. After this analysis I made a macro analysis, social analysis, based on the theories of Foucault (power relations in society, discourse and sexuality), Fairclough (hegemony, power relations and discourse, media studies), Connell (masculinities), Moita Lopes, Hall and Goffman (identity analysis) and Baruman (communities in the globalization era). Before I start the corpus analysis, I presented a brief history of homosexuality in different cultures and social contexts, including Brazil since colonial period until nowadays. Then, I presented the history of soap operas in Brazil and the hegemony of Globo Televison in the production of the genre. After that, I began to analyse the corpus with a small resumé of the two soap operas and the corpus analysis was made through senteces extracted from the soap operas . Finally, I made the macro analysis with the aim to discover if the gay discourse presented in the soap operas contribute or not to the construction of the gay identity in Brazil.


gênero teses. homossexualismo teses. identidade social teses. homossexualismo na televisão teses. funcionalismo (linguística) teses. análise do discurso teses.

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