O direito ao desenvolvimento e sua recepção pelo ordenamento jurídico interno como direitos humanos: uma abordagem a partir da teoria econômica humanista e da universalização do direito


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research investigates the aspects of incorporating treaties within the internal sphere, more specifically international conventional standards that focus on the right to development, taking into consideration that this right has a nature of human rights and that, under such a perspective, it should be approved differently than common international treaties. To this end, the contemporary concept of development is taken as a basis, since it is related to human and social criteria, and not simply to economic criteria. In this way, the standards aimed at improving the welfare of the population and individualsthat is, aimed at the achievement of the human being in its fullnessare understood from the perspective of the right to development. Considering such aspects, the general characteristics of international treaties will be addressed with focus on the peculiarities of the judicial procedures in the incorporation of international human rights treaties. It is concluded that treaties involving the right to development should be incorporated into domestic law with constitutional and hierarchical status and direct and immediate applicability. This thesis is supported on the basis of the humanistic economic theory and the internationalization of human rights, which recognizes the right to development as a universal right of full satisfaction of man


direito . direito ao desenvolvimento tratados internacionais direitos humanos escola econômica humanista universalização do direito right to development international treaties human rights, economic humanist school universalisation of law

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