O desertor no deserto : a trajetoria do Eu na Obra reunida de Campos de Carvalho




Being conceived the madness as the structuralist poetic principIe in the Obra reunida of Campos de Carvalho, it is postulated that the poetic self, in the form of a self of confront and of self-confront, accomplishes a double course in the world and in the self. The course of the world taken into consideration, especially in A lua vem da Asia, implies basically in a process of defamation and self-defamation on the part of the fraudulent and eccentric anti-hero, and of tragicomic feature, in its involvement - defralder, suicide - with his own world according to the secret rules of the game. Such a process that doesn t hide behind the multifaced and fraldulent fake one that is angry and rebbelious,in a permanent conflict with himself will take the narrator-character at the end of A lua vem da Asia to a clear and clear rejection, what becomes effective (as a refuse of the rules of the game) in the two following books,- Vaca de nariz sutil, and A chuva imóvel-, where the "course of the self really happens. Just at the end of A chuva imóvel the first outcome of Obra reunida occurs with the redemption of the self which is searched but, as a paradox, at the same moment of its death by self extinction (suicide). That moment would represent (and would anticipate the historical plan) the closing of a stage with the symbolic death of the traditional and modern subject and of its world too. Finally, with O púcaro búlgaro - the "second outcome"-a kind of New Order is configured : with respect to the fate of the self, that is replaced by the "speech", the self is no more the center of attentions, and survives, that is, it gains space, but only its comic and dissembling side, in unfavorable conditions.


ficção brasileira

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