O crime espetáculo na tela: entre a realidade e a ficção




The current research intends to reflect in a critical manner about the ways of representation of criminality on audiovisual media, especially on television. The target of this analysis is to point out media processes that highlight and exemplify the way crime is turned into a spectacle, reconfiguring narrative formats of police drama and news currently active. When it comes down to representing images of violence and criminality, the audiovisual media culture has been showing two main slopes: the news that incorporates construction elements typical of soup operas, and the fictional program that intends realism, showing the routine of police in action in big urban areas. Under the eye of speculation promoted by news media, two cases will be analyzed, which took place in 2008: the case of Isabella Nardoni and the young girl Eloá Pimentel, exhaustingly reproduced and detailed on the internet. In the thin line of the crime-spectacle in the universe of fiction, well analyze the narrative of TV series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, highlighting the episodes "Grave Danger" and "Monster in a box". From the methodic point of view, the research bases itself on the audiovisual analysis provided for television and in its versions for Internet and DVD, willing to investigate the connection between the subject in question and the visible object, interpreting the spectator as a morbid voyeur. From the theoretical point of view, the research lays on "real shock" concept by Beatriz Jaguaribe, on the hypothesis of intimacy spectacle by Paula Sibilia, presented on O Show do Eu: a intimidade como espetáculo", and on the "A Sociedade do Espetáculo" by Guy Debord. The arguments concerning the News are anchored by work of Eugênio Bucci and Maria Rita Kehl, "Videologias". The reflexion regarding the spectator with violent images is based on the work by Susan Sontag, "Diante da dor dos outros", and on the works of Arlindo Machado, "A Televisão levada a Sério" and "O Sujeito na Tela". In the end, it is concluded that the persistent shocking images that infest the many diverse ways of informational communication operate through contagious systems, which lead to dramatization elements of the journalism of the real for the fictional and spectacle of crime for the News universe, on television and internet


csi, crime scene investigation (programa de televisao) television series violência urbana série televisiva realism violencia nos meios de comunicacao comunicacao tv news crime e imprensa realismo urban violence telejornalismo

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