O crÃdito e o desempenho exportador: uma anÃlise do sistema de financiamento Ãs exportaÃÃes no Brasil nos perÃodos 1994-1998 e 1999-2005




This work analyzes the Export Financing System in Brazil, in periods 1994-1998 and 1999- 2005, focusing the credit influence on export performance. It displays theoretical contributions and a lot of empirical evidences for the area beyond the Brazilian experience. It describes the main export financing mechanisms and credit guarantee used in Brazil, making a descriptive analysis of the origin, the volume and the distribution channels for the available resources for financing exports. It is also dedicated to analyze the influence of the information asymmetry on the efficiency of the System and the micron, small and average companies participation as borrowers, evaluating its difficulties for access the System. It is concluded evidencing empirically the relation between the export credit and the export performance approaching some causes for a better performance absence


economics exportaÃÃes economia exports economia crÃdito credit

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