O corpo protético no esporte.




This essay has analyzed the meanings that people attribute to their bodies and life after been submitted to the adaptation process of using a prosthesis and been included in the sports world. The empiric material was collected through semi structured interviews performed at NEFEA ( Núcleo de Atividades Físicas e Esporte Adaptado) of UEFS (Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana ) responsible to develop sports activities with deficient people. Team membership of this essay is composed by athletes of NEFEA, everyone dependant on a prosthesis to perform their daily and sports activities; are men age from 23 to 37 years old, everyone has became deficient after an accident or a disease. Essay is characterized as a qualitative analysis with search field developed in July, 2005 at NEFEA where were conducted all interviews. It consists in rationalize all the effects caused by technology in their daily life through their sports activities affecting body transformation, how weird or common is this "new" body built by different technologies, a prosthetic human being. Theory based on Cultural Studies as far as authors that discuss this new body from its pos-modern conceptions. Essay represents concerns of this population in constant conflict against cultural standardization, where this prosthetic athlete body, reminded as hybrid, was dazzled as something built and constantly redefined as innovative, shaped and temporary.


educação física tecnologias disabled athlete atleta com deficiência educacao tecnology sports education prosthetic body sport for disabled people and education esporte adaptado e educação corpo protético

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