O conhecimento sobre os gêneros discursivos: uma pesquisa junto a professores de língua portuguesa da rede pública do estado de São Paulo / The knowledge on discourse genres: researching Portuguese teachers from Sao Paulos public schools.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation seeks to investigate the knowledge that elementary public school teachers in São Paulo possess on the theory of discourse genres the main theoretical framework to teach Portuguese nowadays. To achieve it, it was done the analysis of the official texts used to regulate this teaching in Brazil, including São Paulo Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Terceiro e Quarto Ciclos do Ensino Fundamental de Língua Portuguesa (Brasil,1998), Currículo do Estado de São Paulo- Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias (Ensino Fundamental - Ciclo II e Ensino Médio) (São Paulo, 2010) and Guias de Livros Didáticos PNLD 2008 e 2011 (Brasil, 2007; 2010) searching for both evidences in order to prove the hegemony of the discourse genres paradigm in teaching Portuguese and possible starting points for new concepts in language teaching. Subsequently, it was carried out a field survey divided in two stages: one called pre-test (with six teachers) and the final one when data was collected with 29 teachers from five different public schools in São Bernardo do Campo SP. The datas analysis and interpretation showed that, although the discourse genres paradigm is currently hegemonic, it is not possible to state that public schools Portuguese teachers master its main theoretical basis, since it is still noticed the coexistence of assumptions and practices related not only to the current hegemonic paradigm, but also to previous ones, related to a traditional teaching perspective. This coexistence was revealed through the way those 29 teachers accommodate this new knowledge to an existing and already consolidated paradigm. From the theoretical point of view, it were taken into account some discussions Bakhtins on discourse genres (2003; 2006), Tardifs on the origins of teacher knowledge and its relationship with time dimension and social reality in which teachers work (2002; 2010) and Geraldis ideas about the produce of scientific knowledge (2003).


discourse genres gêneros discursivos paradigmas de ensino de língua portuguesa portuguese teachers - knowledge portuguese teaching paradigms professores de português - conhecimento

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