O compreender das diferenças individuais do alunos: uma forma de evitar o fracasso escolar




This work presents mathematics activities that were elaborated with the objective of identifying the students individual difficulties with respect to the mathematical knowledge. The objective of that identification is the improvement of the conditions of the students learning. The subject of the research are students of the third year of the medium teaching of a state public school. The used theoretical referential is it of Philippe Perrenoud s Differentiated Pedagogy. In that theory, so that the student can live learning situations, it is necessary to develop a teaching that takes into account existent differences among the students. The method of analysis of the data is of qualitative stamp and the data were obtained through regular mathematical activities of the class. The results of the research evidenced that the identification of individual difficulties of each one of the students favors the choices of more effective teaching approaches to face them


dificuldades individuais matematica (ensino medio) diferencas individuais individual difficulties disturbios de aprendizasgem fracasso escolar matematica educacao matematica aprendizagem da matemática school failure learning of the mathematics

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