O caso da Pedra do Reino e a identidade nordestina: quaderna e a definição cultural da região nordeste e do Brasil


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This dissertation focuses on the problem of Brazilian cultural identity, more specifically on the identity of the Brazilian northeast region present in the Romance da Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, written by Ariano Suassuna. The aim of this work is to investigate the Northeastern identity and the way it is presented by Suassuna. What is its definition? What are the features that can be pointed out through Suassunas work? Trying to answer these questions, we seek in the historiography thinkers and cultural movements that have previously studied the matter of the Brazilian identity. We also researched on the studies developed by Suassuna himself about this matter pointing out it as a strong influence to which his art is affiliated. This analysis is also supported by the theories of the baroque and its contemporary variant, namely the neo-baroque. From Bakhtin came the concept of the carnavalization that is joined to the two previously presented to complete the theoretical basis of this work. In matter of presentation, this work follows three steps. First of all, it will be presented the structure showing the division of the work, the narrative and its physical composition. The second part will contemplate the character-narrator Quaderna that is considered, in this study, as the representation of the northeastern identity. And finally, this investigation will focus on the television mini series A Pedra do Reino, analyzing in which way some elements from the novel were translated to another medium.


identidade nordeste romance da pedra do reino letras identity northeast romance d`a pedra do reino

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