"O Carro do Êxito" de Oswaldo de Camargo : a literatura de um negro em transição / "O Carro do Êxito" by Oswaldo de Camargo : the literature of a black man in transition


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The dissertation has as an objective to examine the relationship between life and work of the Oswaldo de Camargo, a journalist, musician, poetry, fictionist and researcher of black Brazilian literature. We are interested in interpreting the way of the author had joined different black organizations between 1950 and 1980. In addition, we analyzed his short story book O Carro do Êxito (1972). This book is important to analyze the development of black Brazilian literary projects in the second half of the twentieth century. To compose our analytical framework, we dialogue with authors like Pierre Bourdieu, Norbert Elias and Eric Auerbach, Antonio Candido, among others.


literatura brasileira - escritores negros imprensa alternativa escritores brasileiros - atividades politicas brazilian literature alternative press brazilian authors brazil

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