O carro a álcool : uma experiência de política pública para a inovação no Brasil




As development depends on the country capacity for researching, developing and issuing tecnological innovation, the present stage of development of Brazil reflects the absence of the National Innovation System, as studied by Freeman (1997) and Viotti (2002). However, the case of the alcohol car constitutes an experience rich on lessons about the interaction of the different socio economic interests, as well as, about the role of the government in mediating such interests for the success of the technological innovation. The use of alcohol as fuel has been envisaged by Public Policies since 1923 in Brazil. The crise in the trade balance caused by the raise of petroleum prices and the perspective of the exhausting of its reserves led to the development of an integrated Public Policy for the substitution of petroleum imports in Brazil, named Proalcool. As a result of the different actions taken by the government, alcohol cars were spread during the 1980s in Brazil, counting on a national network of alcohol fueling stations, in an unprecendent scale. However, the petroleum dependence wasnt completely solved due to the continuous raise of oil consumption and the lack of alternative fuel for Diesel motors, and this brought the alcohol car in crisis exactly in the same moment the removal of subsidies to the alcohol price combined with the decrease of the gasoline prices turned alcohol cars a disadvantage for consumers. From all this innovation process there are positive lessons the diffusion of alcohol cars in Brazil as well as negative ones the abandon of the central problem envisaged by Proalcool. They are lessons that can be useful as references for an objective identification of the State roles in the development of technological innovations by means of Public Policies.


public polices Álcool como combustível proalcool política pública innovation, alcohol car renewable fuel outros inovações tecnológicas

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