O cão e sua família: temas de amor e agressividade




This work exhibits a very peculiar situation of research: the interface between the fields of knowledge of the veterinarian and of the psychologist to allow the comprehension of the insertion of the dog - with its evolutive history and its varied behavioral categories, within the context of the urban family - with its structure, organization and dynamics. Since its domestication until nowadays, the dog has accompanied men and experienced together the modifications that the geographical space has undergone through human actions. In the last years with the urbanization process, there has been a restriction of free circulation of dogs, either with the reduction of the sizes of the human inhabitations or because people has kept the animals within their residences intentionally. In this context,the agressivity towards the owners has been a common complaint in the practice of veterinary clínic. The adequate response to this situation represents a complex task. The responsibility of the veterinarian englobes the promotion of the well being of the animal and the prevention of damage originated by that behavior,favoring the preservation of the linkage between family and the dog. A qualitative research was realized by case studies, with the objective of comprehending the insertion of the complaint of agressivity into the familiar dynamics in a way to obtain subsidies that will favor a better response from the veterinarian to that kind of situation and to contribute for the well being of all involved. Five families, with different components, owners of dogs with complaints of aggressive behaviors went under a clinic interview and responded to a group of three questionnaires - the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale (FACES 11),The Companion Animal Bonding Scale (CABS), the questionnaire used to describe the behaviors and canine relationship and "Social Network Map". The analysis of the cases shown that the search for veterinary support with aggressive complaints is performed by people that present a significative affective bond with their animals. The situations related with cases were of profound suffering where the bond was at risk. Conflict between family members, disconnections between fantasies, expectations and the potential of response of the animal were evident in all cases. The conclusion is that the comprehension of the dynamics of the family and its conflicts favors the elaboration and applicability of an intervention protocol


psicologia clinica caes -- comportamento psicologia comportamento social dos animais cachorros -- aspectos psicologicos caes

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