O campo de visão : exercicio e linguagem cenica




Believing that Improvisation is the great expedient for the actor to expand and find a place where he can simultaneously engender and gush his creativity, this dissertation aims at the systemization of a theater improvisation exercise called "Campo de Visão". This systemization was created throughout the rehearsals of "A hora em que não sabíamos nada uns dos outros", a play written by Peter Handke that was brought up to the scene by Companhia Elevador de Teatro Panorâmico, directed by Marcelo Lazzaratto, author of this dissertation. The whole process of rehearsals revealed that "Campo de Visão", besides being an exercise to give means to the actors to build a character and a great way to establish syntony and harmonization in the group, it might be used as a theatrical language. The second part of this dissertation is about this development: "Campo de Visão" engineering everything that happens in the scene from its rules and formulations. The play in which this language was developed is named "Amor de Improviso", also brought up by Companhia Elevador de Teatro Panorâmico, and directed by the same director. This play is entirely made with improvisations and has one only structure foundation, the rules of Campo de Visão, with its variations and its consequences that are demonstrated here in this dissertation


teatro - técnica improvisação (representação teatral) artes cenicas - linguagem

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