O caminhar das sombras imemoriais - encenação do universo rosiano a partir da exegese do canto Nenhum, Nenhuma, de Guimarães Rosa / O caminhar das sombras imemoriais - encenação do universo rosiano a partir da exegese do canto Nenhum, Nenhuma, de Guimarães Rosa




Intersemiotic translation of the short story Nenhum, Nehuma by Guimarães Rosa, into scenic language, in a transliteration exercise from prose to performance. Arranged in a systematized manner, this meeting process between Guimarães Rosas and scenic language shows the transformation of the short story into a staged performance by using semiotic systems of analysis to build scenic signs in an intense dialectics between theory and practice. From a aesthetic reflection, the author bases her search in the experimentation of the oral expression relations and modulations in Rosa´ short stories within a scenic space, assuming that the scenic representation is an amalgam of organised strategies, anticipated by her as a researcher and theatre director, directing, as such, the reproduction of the effects to the audience. The result of this incursion constitutes the dramatisation The Walking of the Immemorial Shadows. This process the encounter should be re-experienced, in the theatre by the Board of Examination and spectators.


guimarães rosa intersemiotic memória mítica tradução-intersemiótica expressionismo teatro translation mitic memory theatre expressionism guimarães rosa

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