O boicote aos jogos olímpicos de Moscou - 1980: uma análise da reação do movimento olímpico brasileiro e internacional / The Moscow olympic games boycott: an analysis of Brazilian and international olympic movement reaction




The Olympic Games is the biggest event in contemporary sports and the 20th century was the stage where most of the evolution of the Olympic Games of The Modern Age happened. The boycotts to the Olympic Games are manifestations that exemplify the relationship between sport and politics and studying it brings light to the subject. To this day, the biggest boycott was the one that the United States promoted against the Soviet Union in the 1980 Olympic Games. In that occurrence there were a significant reduction in the number of participants as well as a profound impact to the Olympic Movement structures. The purpose of these research is to analyse the politic context of the Moscow`s Olympic Boycott, with special attention for the brazilian position. The research was made in one of the most important brazilian newspapers (Folha de São Paulo), in the final editions of 1979, period of the sovietic occupation on Afghanistan, until august of 1980, period of the end of Moscow Olympic Games. In spite of the pressure from the United States, Brazil decided not to join the boycott, exposing an internal movement that the country was going through, which was a period of delicate economical issues, and the country was not capable of deny the economical advantages of relation with Soviet Union


politics boycott política sport boicote jogos olímpicos olympic games esporte

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