O Banquete do Leviatã: direito urbanístico e transformações da zona central de São Paulo (1886-1945) / The Leviathans Banquet: urban law and transformations of the central area of the city of São Paulo (1886-1945)




The work approaches the successive transformations of the central area of the city of São Paulo between the years 1886 and 1945, relating them to the development of urban law, in the concept of a technology employed by the State to enable it to play an active role in the urban environment. For this purpose, the very nature of urban law is discussed, in its dogmatic and objective meanings, as a synthesis on the process which led, finally, to the institutionalization of urbanism and right as distinct fields of scientific knowledge, in the context of development of the capitalist economy and its instruments for political legitimacy. Considering that Brazilian political, juridical and administrative institutions are a direct legacy from Portugals, the work includes a historical study of the process of construction of brazilian positive legal system from its iberian roots, in order to demonstrate the origins of a trend of brazilian urban law towards centralization, which reflected in the way it was applied in the city of São Paulo. Such centralist feature of Brazilian State, consolidated in the Empire period, maintained in the First Republic and deepened during the New State régime, served, among other aspects, to establish urban law as a technical mean, supposedly neutral, employed by the State to accomplish its goals, making possible the imposing of urban planning models from above, in order to increase the extraction of urban land income.


são paulo (sp) Áreas centrais urban renewal central areas renovação urbana são paulo (sp) urban law direito urbanístico

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