O Bairro Praia de Iracema entre o "adeus" e a "boemia": usos, apropriações e representações de um espaço urbano. / The neighborhood Praia de Iracema between the "good-bye" and a "boemia": uses, appropriations and representations of an urban space.




This thesis aims to present the uses, the space appropriations, the classifications and the symbolic disputes occurred in the neighbourhood of Praia de Iracema, located in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará States capital - Brazil, after the interventions in the urban planning implemented by the State and Municipal governments during the 1990s. It registers the representations built by the neighbourhood "practisings", the means of communication and several political social intervenients, verifying their effects on the images of "traditional neighbourhood" and "degraded neighbourhood" attributed to this city area. And especially detaches the symbolic representations associated to the "bohemia" and the "good-bye" allegory, considering them as signalising of temporary and space marks. Starting from the empiric research, this thesis demonstrates how the neighbourhoods "past" becomes an important component in the "preservation" and "requalification" speeches on of the Praia de Iracema.


anos 1990 uses praia de iracema(fortaleza,ce) - condições sociais sociologia urbana gentrification representations intervenções urbanas renovação urbana - aspectos sociais - praia de iracema(fortaleza,ce) praia de iracema(fortaleza,ce) - usos e costumes espaços públicos - aspectos sociais - praia de iracema(fortaleza,ce) usos política urbana - praia de iracema(fortaleza,ce) boemia - praia de iracema(fortaleza,ce) symbolic disputes. disputas simbólicas. requalificação representações interventions urban

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