O ato cristão de educar: uma leitura de Matthias Preiswerk




This thesis seeks to describe a Christian perspective of the educational act. Based on a reading of texts by Matthias Preiswerk, it is proposed here a critical analysis of ecclesial Christian Education within the Churches of the Protestantism of Mission in Brazil, specially the Biblical Sunday School (or Sunday School). The first part of the thesis focuses on the educational history of Matthias Preiswerk as a popular educator in Bolivia. The focus, however, falls on the "Christian" dimension of his work. In this topic we note the use of elements of the "Theory of Communicative Action by Jürgen Habermas. In the second part we offer a reading of texts of Preiswerk centered on concepts and practices of Christian Education and its relation to Popular Education. This reading serves as the foundation for a specific look on the Christian educational act in dialogue with Preiswerk and his proposed renewal of Christian Education from the experience of Popular Education. In the third part we, also in dialogue with Preiswerk, offer our vision of the Christian educational act vis-a-vis a broad educational vision, develop basic aspects of a theology of Christian education and its consequences for the practice of Christian Education ecclesial contexts.


ato de educar christian education educação cristã educational act. pedagogy popular education christian theology educação popular pedagogia teologia teologia prÁtica teologia cristã

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