O arpão e o anzol : técnica e pessoa no estuário do Amazonas (Vila Sucuriju, Amapá) / The Harpoon and The Hook: technique and the person in the Amazon estuary (Vila Sucuriju, Amapá State, Brazil)




This study deals with fishing as a mode of person-building, reflecting on the relationship between technique and the human from a monographic perspective. The ethnography focuses on two groups of fishermen inhabiting the village of Vila Sucuriju. One group, the laguistas, dedicate themselves to preying on the pirarucu fish (Arapaima gigas) in lakes, where the attachment of the harpoon and the canoe to the fisherman and the intersubjective relation with the animals are of prime importance. Members of this group evolve through a long process of corporal prosthetization, which is the condition for person to person interaction with the fish. On the other hand, the pescadores de fora group operate along the coast using powered craft, the crew acting in close coordination between the tide and the bottom fishing line carrying hundreds of hooks (espinhel) to catch gurijuba fish (Arius parkeri). Prestige as a fisherman is linked to demonstration of courage to face the perilous task of casting the line of hooks, and the will to bear the arduous integration with the onboard dynamics. Establishing distinct relations among fishermen, artefacts and the environment, the lake and coastal fishing modes are associated with the modalities of subjectivation themselves, including bodies, skills and specific sociality modes (forms of reciprocity, child rearing, participation in festivities, organization of domestic space etc.). Viewing the relationship between technique and the human in a genetic perspective, bearing in mind the discussions of Mauss, Leroi- Gourhan and Latour, and conferring importance upon the practice, in accordance with the ecological anthropologies of Descola and Ingold, this study examines in detail the fact that, besides the productive efficiency and the mastery of the required know-how, the engagement in technical activities entails particular human configurations.


amazônia técnica pesca aprendizagem pessoa antropologia

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