O alvissareiro : a Natal antiga e a nova Natal nas crÃnicas cascudianas de 1940-1950




This thesis aims to analyze the images produced by LuÃs da CÃmara Cascudo to the city of Natal in the decades from 1940 to 1950. One of the main issues is to understand how and why the author has built two images completament and antagonistic to the capital of Rio Grande do Norte: The Old Natal, which features a nostalgic and provincial town of the late XIX and early XX century, and the new Natal, which represents the city in the years 1940 - 1950, by which time the urban space has undergone profound changes brought about by the modernizing impulse. For this makes use of textual analysis of chronic cascudianas natalense the press in the period mentioned, as well as other writings that help to understand this subject. The relationship between a history of urban spaces and an intellectual history paves the formation of an author who has produced his identity as a man of letters in close relationship with the land he was born, lived and died. The path traced through writing seeks to depart from the established truths about life and work of Cascudo and enter it in the dispersion in the multiplicity in the fragmentation that has characterized his intellectual and that allows us to understand their positions ahead of key issues such as the past, present and modernity, which unfolded in his chronicles of the city. The investigation of chronic cascudianas of the city reveals an intellectual attached to the past tense, which builds the fabric of the ancient longing for Natal, a quiet and idyllic area that reflects the period of his childhood. Already the new Natal appears in his writings as the place of instability, fragmentation, the tear of the subject. The modern city is viewed with pessimism by an author which is very reactionary in relation to any change and he sees the past as a refuge from the hardships of the present time. CÃmara Cascudo lies between these two conflicting realities. Finally, reading his stories to draw the profile of a conservative intellectual, has its origins tied to declining rural elites of the north, which produces his memory emphasizing certain aspects of his life and obscuring others, and that this historiography a traditional way


cascudo, luÃs da cÃmara, 1898-1986 â crÃnicas literÃrias modernization intellectual history literary chronicles urban history historia luÃs da cÃmara cascudo historiografia natal (rn) modernizaÃÃo histÃria natal (rn)

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