O alcance e a dimensão do princípio da proporcionalidade relacionado à impenhorabilidade da execução, como forma de efetividade do processo executivo




This strong research objects a study about the relation of principle of proportionality with the question of pledge on civil execution objecting effectivity. Initially we want to permit that the reader have a constitutional vision essential of the principle of proportionality. Is in vogue actually a theme about of collisions of fundamental rights and mechanisms for a juridical neutralization, these collisions pass through the study of the principles. The first part of the work, in this way, treats about the principle of proportionality, searching to identify its essence, its theoretical composition, emphasizing the necessary distinctions about the principle question, visualizing in the same way some problems of juridical constitutional nature which the principle of proportionality faces, as the application of principle actuality. Is studied about procedural effectivity, for that and is this preoccupation of this work, to join the principle of proportionality to the pledge and its parameters with the necessity of an effective executive process. After that we study the institute of pledge, at the same time that we enter at the atmosphere of the non executive pledge, moment which objectives an encounter between the principle of proportionality and the institute of pledge, more specifically objecting answers for the birth of other and new peculiarities of the pledge in alien legislation. Finally we object to suggest proposals for a better executive procedural system, where we register conclusions standing out a jurisprudential annex representing the jurisprudential research of the same principle


proporcionalidade direito processual civil processo civil efetividade penhorabilidade

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