O aglomerado calçadista de Jaú sob a perspectiva dos custos de transação




Zylbersztajn (2005) declares that Transaction Cost Economics still lacks in formalization and empirical studies. It is this void that this work intends to fill. It is an empirical study about transaction costs, in particular their influence over the sustainability of the Jaú shoe industry cluster. It seeked to investigate one type of contractual relationship between firms: the cluster. Many authors, such as Cassiolato and Lastres (2003), consider clusters as a concentration of firms in the same place. According to Becattini (1999), the cluster is not only a concentration of firms in the same place, but it is in reality a network of companies connected to one another. Thus, the study of clusters can be included under the scope of Transaction Cost Economics: considering clusters as networks, the degree of companies coordination can be investigated as well as how transaction dimensions are stablished between these agents. According to Becattini (1999) the ties stablished between cluster companies, ties of competition and cooperation, lower transaction costs and make companies more competitive. Hence, this work wants to answer the following question: how transaction dimensions influence transaction costs in the cluster and can they explain the cluster sustainability? The research object was the Jaú shoe industry cluster, and this study used the qualitative case study method. In the course of the study, interviews with the cluster agents were carried out, as well as direct observations during the fieldwork visits and the analysis of secondary data, that came from document analysis and newspaper articles, previous studies made for BNDES and previous academic research. These data were analysed using the content analysis technique. Through the analysis of the data collected it became clear that the frequency of transactions between the clusters companies is intense, and the uncertainty is low due to the extensive sharing of information. Moreover, human specificity and site specificity are core factors, in the perception of the agents interviewed, for the sustainability of the Jaú cluster.


aglomerados administracao calçados custos de transação transaction costs clusters shoe industry

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