O Agir em saÃde da famÃlia : as condiÃÃes existentes e necessÃrias para a interaÃÃo e troca de conhecimentos na prÃtica profissional




The purpose of this research is to investigate the existing and necessary conditions for the interaction and exchange of knowledge between the professionals of PSF teams, looking for the practical one of acting in health, using the multi-professional and collective way, aiming the completeness of Healthâs Basic Attention. As specific objectives, it searched to investigate the work process of the Familyâs multiprofissional Health team, using as a reference the subjectivity production and the citizens interaction; to describe how the workâs interaction of the multi-professional team occurs, and to analyse the relationship between the processes of the initial and continued formation of the health professionals, and to study the conceptions and requested practicals solicitted to the PSF multi-professional teams in order to act in health. It is a descriptive qualitative study that used the half structuralized interview and the direct comment as a method of data collection. It has been developed in a Sanitary District, localized in Curitiba / PR, together with the professional workers of the PSF multiprofissional teams. As existing conditions to the interaction and exchange of knowledge, between the PSF professional teams, aiming the practice of acting in health, we can evidence that the implantation of the investigated PSF has been dissociated of a collective discussion between the professionals directly implied, fact that justifies some speeches that reveal unreabilities and uncertainties of the implantation of the PSF proposal. There is a distance between what is rank in officials regulations and documentations about the PSF conception and the perceivable organization of the reality. As necessary conditions, it fits to think and act on the work processes, operating dispositives in order to modify technique and social relations (politics, ideological and symbolic) in day-by-day work of the multi-professional teams The reflection about the practical learning, so that these can be shared, become explicit, requires a planning of activities with this purpose. Finnaly, it is important to comprehend that the diversity investments is, also, to recognize that the healthâs professionals formation endorses distinct human spheres: cognitive, procedural, social, affective, the conduct and intent declaration (RUIZ-MORENO et. all, 2005). The formation and the work as differentiated spaces of learning, activates the transforming potential of the implied citizens, in the direction of an agreement of the knowledgeâs relevance as something that does not only know the things, but can also change them. (DEMO, 1998)


formation in health saÃde, trabalho e educaÃÃo work and education health, work and education health family program formaÃÃo em saÃde trabalho e educaÃÃo team multi-professional of health equipe multiprofissional de saÃde saude publica programa de saÃde da famÃlia

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