O acolhimento e a produção do cuidado em saúde mental na atenção básica: uma cartografia do trabalho em equipe / The user embracement and the mental health production in Primary Health Care: a patient health teams cartography.




Belong to the Primary Health Care field several elements that compose people`s life and may produce or increase the mental suffering. These elements demand a care that considers the way the subjects conditions of existence are produced, strategy which depends on the net working established among the health workers, provided that the new health practices, based on a comprehensive health care, require an interaction among different knowledge and doings. The purpose of this research was to characterize the production of mental health care in a primary health care unity, having the embracement as an instrument to analyze the team work, according to its potential in rescuing the humanization in relationships, and the work environment as a subjects place. This study consists in a descriptive exploratory case study whose participants are health workers from different professions, who belong to the services mental health working processes. The data collection techniques used were the focal group and the analytic flowchart; the data raised were submitted to further content analysis, thematic modality, allowing the construction of four empirical categories: 1) The affective map of first`s assemblages: the conflict as motor of changes - the construction of a mental health team work in the service, through a synergic proposal to change the care conception, advancing joint activities which have opened the connective flows among the professionals, by means of their own praxis reorientation and the conflits facing; 2) The user embracement as an analyzer of team work`s organization - the flowchart revealing that the services net of conversations have multiplied the exchanges possibilities among the workers, apart from proliferating affective nets between them and the health unitys users and the health unitys users among themselves; 3) Patient health team and user embracement: the singular and collective works (inter) faces - the workers ease and difficulties related to the mental health user embracement, focusing on the team work as the main ease and as the main difficulty the lack of the engagement of health workers who are not part of the mental health care team; 4) Recognizing the daily works experience as an invention and reinvention movement - the workers recognition as workmen in benefit of the care, through the search of pleasure and productive relief, created in the daily work basis. Concluding, the user embracement showed itself as an organizer of mental health work processes, and as a conversation device who promotes sustain nets of affective teamwork, whose construction is a worker`s collective challenge


mental health primary health care user embracement saúde mental atenção primária à saúde acolhimento equipe de cuidados de saúde patient care team

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