O acidente com o césio 137 na sociedade capitalista contemporânea e suas implicações à organização municipal de Abadia de Goiás




The object of this thesis is to study The Cesium 137 Accident in contemporary society and its implications for the municipal organization of the town of Abadia de Goiás. A broader study of Abadia de Goiás has become imperative so that neither its history, nor the role it played will be forgotten: yesteryear, responsible for the radioactive waste deposit, and nowadays, for the permanent Nuclear Deposit location, the Goiás Regional Center for Nuclear Science. Our analysis is situated in the drawing up of new political relationships, within the local power structure of Abadia de Goiás. The present reality of this town must be understood, with all its peculiarities: the degree to which the clientelistic relationships between people and govemment are legitimized; the indicators of urbanization and the quality of life. How State-society interactions are set up is described in detail in the context of local leadership by analyzing the democratic process. Supported by the principles of oral history, and resting on a solid theoretical basis, ten interviews were carried out to come to an understanding of the facts in their different milieus, in the hope of continuing its history and its relationship with the present, setting it within the historical and political context of Brazilian formation, in order to better understand the present changes in the State s organization. From the study it can be seen that the emancipation of Abadia de Goiás came about with its own particular characteristics, even, though it was part of a movement being unleashed throughout the country at that time. A small-sized municipality, located in the Midwest, almost a suburb of the state capital, it is algo a dormer city, with definite limitationsin the economic sphere to reach the whole resident population. Thus, the , autonomy gained was of a politically administrative nature and not of an economic, political and social one, which kept it in a subordinate condition in relation to neighboring municipalities. In a context of the strengthening and reproduction ofthe neo-liberal project, yet another facet of capitalist accumulation, this type of emancipation is not viable


servico social residuos radioativos cesio -- acidentes -- aspectos sociais -- abadia de goias, go

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