O acesso aos exames de alta complexidade nos planos de saúde privados na perspectiva dos usuários / Access to high complexity exams in private health plans in the perspective of users




This dissertation deals with access to services of high complexity, particularly diagnostic and complementary exams between users of private health system that seek specialized treatment and diagnosis care. Since the 80 s people has being looking for additional health system. However, say that access is guaranteed in the private system, is an uncertainty that leads the inspiration for this research, which is justified by the importance of actions that enable the improvement of regulatory quality of health plans from social control of its users. The overall objective is to analyze the perceptions to access high complexity exams in the health system between users of private health plans. The specific objectives are to describe the perceptions of users of health plans to access high complexity exams; analyze motivations from users of private health plans for the exams of high complexity through the private network; and analyze the level of users satisfaction with health plans regarding access to tests of high complexity. The methodology is qualitative-descriptive, and the sample was thirty users of private health care system greater than 18 years, selected in 2010. The research scenario was a private laboratory of medical diagnostic in Rio de Janeiro. Data collection techniques used were individual interviews and structured form. The analysis was performed by the form of descriptive statistics, and interviews through the analysis of thematic content-category. Users of health plan stated that the access is guaranteed with facility for tests of high complexity. Their main motivations for doing exams in private health care services were characterized by quick responsiveness, flexibility and ease of marking their exams by internet, telephone or personally in the laboratory, prompt delivery of results, difficulty and length of service in SUS, location of laboratory near home or work, excellence resolution in diagnostic image, user choice between open and closed methods of magnetic resonance and computed tomography, and bone densitometry were easily accessible to all research subjects. Satisfaction level was reached by quickly resolution of the exams, and performing elective and emergency procedures in almost similar time scale, according to users. However, although evaluation from users with their health plans have been high, some difficulties were pointed such as validity periods for realization of exams; according to the date on the medical application; password requests for authorization by the operator; bureaucracy in procedures for scheduling exams; and poor access to treatments such as implants; physiotherapy; RPG; pilates; homecare; check ups; denied refunds; restricted surgical materials; in particular prosthetics and orthotics; and specifics degree limitation for myopia surgery. We conclude that the quickly response of high complexity exams were described as satisfactory, although the perception of speed may vary depending on the type of private health plans contracted, with the need for regulatory improvement in specific points in privete health system.


usuários de planos de saúde privados exames de alta complexidade acesso enfermagem de saude publica enfermagem pesquisa saúde suplementar seguro saúde exames médicos acesso aos serviços de saúde satisfação do consumidor access high complexity exams private health care system users

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