O Abuso (no exercício) do direito à personalidade jurídica como ato atentatório ao exercício da jurisdição / The Abuse (in the exercise) of the right to the corporate entity as offensive act to the exercise of the jurisdiction




In face of the embarrassments to the effective of provisionses judicial, of the end antecipation nature or (art. 14, V, of the CPC), as well as in the executions of extrajudicial executive headings (2 part of 1 of art. the 656 of CPC), mainly when the debtor commits abuse in the right of action of the corporate entity, in clear offensive attitude to the exercise of the jurisdiction (art. 14, only Paragraph, of the CPC); the present work considers the application of the penalties contained in the statement of the only paragraph, of art. 14, the CPC (criminal, courteous and procedural fine and sanctions), in the cases where the judge will have that to declare the disrespect of the corporate entity, to surpass the difficulties and embarrassments to the accomplishment of the distrainment and consequence effective of the jurisdictional guardianship


abuso de direito desconsideração personalidade jurídica abuso de direitos -- brasil personalidade juridica multas disrespect offensive act fine abuse of processs multa corporate entity direito ato atentatório

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