Nursing diagnosis proposals for institutionalized elderly using medicines / Proposta de diagnósticos de enfermagem para idosos institucionalizados que fazem uso de medicamentos


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Proposing nursing diagnosis for institutionalized elderly is the general purpose of the present study, based on defining features, referring to possible adverse reactions and interaction of the medicines used. The specific purposes were: identifying the profile of the institutionalized elderly patients, focusing on the use of medicines and possible adverse reactions and interactions, relating them to nursing diagnosis titles from the North American Nursing Diagnoses Association; indicating nursing diagnosis which represent a contribution to nursing care at an institution of long-term stay for elderly patients; confirming, with nurses, assistants/professors, experts, the nursing diagnosis, in order to have these as part of a nursing care proposal for institutionalized elderly patients. It is an exploratory, descriptive study, with a quantitative approach, developed in two phases. In the first one, data was used from a research named The profile of resident institutionalized elderly at a long-term stay institution for elderly: a proposal of nursing/health action, when 39 patients using medication were selected. In this phase, the identification of the patients profile was performed focusing on the use of medicines. From the defining features manifested by the elderly ones, the nursing diagnosis titles were defined, considering the Risners diagnosis reasoning process and the Classification from the North American Nursing Diagnoses Association. In the second part of the research, a confirmation of nursing diagnosis definition by expert nurses was reached, through the use of the Delphi technique for content validation. The findings referring to the elderly profiles highlighted a higher number of women; aging between 80-89; most know how to read and are widows or widowers. The circulatory system diseases are the most frequent ones. The patients use, in average, 3,7 medicines and 30,8% of them make use of polypharmacy. The most frequent medicines used were for complications of the cardiovascular system. The presence of inappropriate medicines for elderly patients was noticed. Eleven nursing diagnosis were identified, sent to be confirmed by experts; and, from these, seven had a 70% or more agreement. They are the following: Risk of falls, impaired urinary elimination, Constipation, memory failure, intolerance to activity, Perambulation and Fatigue. The diagnosis obtained, integrated with the nursing prescriptions, a proposal of nursing care to institutionalized elderly patients making use of medications. The elderly patients who are at institutions and make use of medicines may present higher weakness; therefore the identification of diagnosis enables a better guidance towards nursing care, as it brings previous acknowledgment to the needs manifested by them and supplies subsidies to define adequate and based nursing goals to serve these patients.


homes for the aged instituição de longa permanência para idosos enfermagem uso de medicamentos idoso enfermagem diagnóstico de enfermagem nursing diagnosis nursing drug utilization aged

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