Novos movimentos eclesiais, ortodoxia e emancipação: um estudo da identidade de jovens conversos / New Ecclesial Movements, Orthodoxy and Emancipation: analysis of the identity of converted youth




The objective of this research is the understanding of the building process of the identity of converted youth to catholic movements known as conservative and radical. From the content of official documents produced during the two last pontificates and the focus on expansion and on the expression of the designated New Ecclesial Movements (NMEs), it intends to discuss the dynamics that impels the phenomenon of the integral religious adhesion into the academic environment. For this purpose, it strives in the analysis of the narrative of two members of the lay Communion and Liberation Movement (CL), exploiting the polemics about the harmful effects caused by the radical conversion and contextualizes the theories of adhesion, religious addiction and mental control. Thus, it tries to investigate the proliferation of conservative movements in the last decade, distinguishing the different ways of religious engagement and the appropriation of concepts such as fundamentalism and conservatism in the range of the catholic lay militancy. At last, this paper scrutinizes the background of the proselyte and the consolidation of his/ her course in a group making use of the theories of identity as an elementary theoretical reference. Thus, it intends to reflect about the potential and the limits of the emancipation in individuals who adopt an integral religious practice freely


novos movimentos eclesiais igreja catolica -- brasil psicologia social identidade catholicism conversion comunhao e libertacao conversão catolicismo conversao ortodoxia identity fundamentalism new ecclesial movements fundamentalismo novos movimentos eclesiais orthodoxy

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