Novas tecnologias e percepção de risco: análise das opiniões sobre transgênicos publicadas na imprensa brasileira (2003-2004) / New technologies and risk perception: an analysis of the opinions about transgenics published on the brasilian press (2003-2004)




This dissertation presents an analysis of the opinions texts published about the genetic modified organisms in the newspapers Estado de Minas, Folha de S. Paulo, O Globo and Zero Hora, between 2003 and 2004. The aim was to identify which social or cultural values had been used in the construction of the different risk perceptions that circulated in these public spheres of debate. The objective was also to identify which social actors took part in the debate, the main themes and issues raised, and the relation established between the discourse and the science (if trustworthy or not). Methodologically and theoretically, this research was conducted considering that new technologies are always product of social tensions and can not be considered only as a technical dispute, but mainly a political issue. The ideas developed by Habermas, Marcuse, Beck, Douglas and Wildavisky, Guivant and Figueiredo, among others sociological authors are used as framework for the analysis. The Discourse Analysis theory, as proposed by Fiorin, Brandão and Maingueneau was used as a methodological tool to the texts analysis. In 291 texts read for this research, among letters, editorials and articles, the majority presents economical arguments. The religious and environmental reasons and arguments were not very much present among the texts. The labeling of the gm product was not considered important, as the majority of for the authors did not mentioned it. The Rio Grande do Sul estate was the one from which came majority the texts analyzed: (41%). In relation to the tendencies presented, 43% of the texts agreed with the use and development of gm products, 19% of the texts totally disagree with it, and 34% presents arguments of agreement and disagreement.


extensao rural genetic modified organisms risk perception transgênicos percepção de risco

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