Novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação no ensino-aprendizagem de conforto luminoso em arquitetura e urbanismo




Students of courses of graduation in Architecture and Urbanism, under influence of the new technologies s resources, have changed, each time more, its passive position and becoming participant elements in the construction of its proper knowledge. The long-distance education, stimulated by the Internet, starts to gain educational space as alternative of quality in this globalized environment. In courses of Ambient Comfort (Thermal, Acoustic and Luminous), one of the difficulties perceived during the learning is the visualization, by the students, of the phenomena that involve the developed questions. Images, animations and simulations, used with hypertexts, can, besides elucidating the problem, becoming possible resources to be used in virtual environment of long-distance learning for this area. The objective of this research is to investigate how these resources are being used in the educational environment related to the education-learning of Ambient Comfort in the courses of Architecture and Urbanism in Brazil. In order to achieve these objectives it was used as methodology a survey study in a composed sample for professors of the area of Ambient Comfort. So a questionnaire was applied, to identify difficulties and necessities found in the education-learning of the discipline. The results of this study had indicated that: the number of initiatives that look for the use of the NTICs (New Technologies of Information and Communication) is still reduced; the elaboration and the application of more attractive and interactive didactic materials can contribute in the understanding of some topics in the discipline in question; there is a strong predisposition for the use of the long-distance education in this area; the resources more emphasized by the professors are the animations and interactive 3D simulations, between the students and the didactic material


iluminação ensino a distancia - arquitetura tecnologia da informação

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