NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS DE INFORMAÇÃO E COMUNICAÇÃO: Entre infra-estrutura escolar e formação continuada de professores




This research lifts the integration of the new technologies of information and communication in public and private schools of the municipal district of Itajaí, analyzing a recent continuous formation in the theme of the technologies in the municipal net of teaching. With base in the discussion of the media-education concept a reading picture was built for some dissertations and theories in the theme of the technologies in the education. The research revealed that the computer is one of the technologies in the which the teachers possess smaller use domain in the pedagogic work, when compared with TV and Video; the way of use of TV and Video in classroom in the public and private schools are limited to you program engravings or films with disregard to cultural workmanships as soap opera, propagandas or television news. The results demonstrate that the Continuous Formation provokes habit changes and disposition among the participants, what could stimulate continuous politics of formation frequently and larger workload than the already accomplished in the municipal district of Itajaí. However, the participants evaluate that you/they would have been necessary, in the Formation Continuous, more allied practical workshops to the theoretical knowledge on the computers in the school.


formação continuada comunicação professores - formação tecnologia da informação educacao

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