Novas arquiteturas para detecção de plágio baseadas em redes P2P




Nowadays the Internet has become a reference on information retrieval, thanks to its large amount and easiness to access it. But this can be misused, as one can simply access an information and take it as his own authorship. This constitutes an act of plagiarism. It has become increasingly common for people to do this, and tools to prevent this are in need. In order to help to deal with this problem, this paper presents the PeerDetect, a plagiarism detection system built over a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) infrastructure. The proposed solution offers two approaches.The first allows users to detect plagiarism in peers that belongs to a P2P network, searching through documents that may not be available on the Internet. The second approach is similar to conventional detection systems that detects plagiarism on the Internet, but this approach also uses P2P networks to distributed the effort of doing this search. As presented in this paper, the solution has shown itself as a strong mechanism for plagiarism detection.


sistemas de reconhecimento de padrões plagiarism informática - dissertações plágio - identificação - programas de computador ciencia da computacao pattern recognition systems

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