Notificação de maus tratos em crianças e adolescentes em microrregiões de saúde do Ceará


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Violence is truly a social problem that accompanies history and the transformations of humanity. However, though it is not classified as a problem peculiar to health, violence results in lesions, death, physical traumas and the immensurable mental, emotional, and spiritual injuries, reflecting on the quality of life, of individuals and groups, this research is about notification of maltreatment of children and adolescents starting with the practice of the family health strategy (FHS) professionals and in a more detailed manner (i) identification of the social professional training, professional experience , (ii) association of the social demographic variables, professional training, time on the job, instrumental in the outcome presenting and notifying maltreatment cases. The research use the study of transversal cut, the inquest type in the basic care, and 239 FHS professionals participated from health care micro-regions of the cities of Camocim, Crateus and Tianguá, Ceará, Brazil in 2011. The structured questionnaire contemplated the social demographic variables, professional instrumentalization of the theme. For analysis, Pearsons correlation (p<0,05) test was applied a descriptive analysis and the central tendency measures of the statistical treatment of the data and a discussion founded on the themes literature. The findings showed a predominance of young people (55.5%), females (69.8%), with less than 5 years since graduation from college/university (47.8%) and with same amount of time working at FHS (57.3%)and without post-graduate work (43.6%), as for instrumentalization, 72.2% said they had never participated in training to confront the violence, 70.2% know the ECA, 54.2% know the notification card, but 22% said there was a notification card in the health care unit, 63.1% said they did not read about the theme, and 54.5% related that the subject was approached in the workplace. However, 91.5% related interest in participating in training in the theme and 92.1% advantageous to institute the notification in the health care unit. Of the respondents, 45.5% came across maltreatment in their routines and of these, 57.4% did not notify the case. The independent variables and the fact of coming across maltreatment came with the profession (p<0.020), participate in training (p<0.049), with discussion of the subject in the unit (p<0.009), and notify the case (p<0.0001). In conclusion, we say that the profile evidenced the study show a predominance of professionals who are female, young less than 5 years since graduation with little experience in the FHS and without post-graduation regarding the notification, we perceived the systematic and deficient punctual character due to the instrumentalization and the poor management of the maltreatment cases.


crianÇas - maus-tratos - dissertaÇÕes crianÇas - violÊncia - dissertaÇÕes saude coletiva

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