Nonlinear geometrical and physical analysis of cores of reinforced concrete tall buildings / Análise não linear geométrica e física de núcleos rígidos de edifícios altos em concreto armado




This work deals with nonlinear geometrical and physical analysis of structural cores that take part in the bracing system of multistory reinforced concrete buildings. The study depicts the structural behavior of concrete cores by using a computational tool that performs a strict non-linear analysis, coping with usual models based on the Finite Element Method. The work evaluates the inertia reduction of concrete cores walls, considering minimum, medium and maximum geometrical reinforcement ratio prescribed by NBR 6118. Estimations of the physical nonlinearity of those elements are provided aiming at the practical use in actual structural design.


edifícios altos geometrical nonlinearity não linearidade geométrica structural cores núcleo de rigidez physical nonlinearity reinforced concrete concreto armado não linearidade física tall buildings

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